Wednesday, May 25, 2011

iPod Shuffleeeee!

CARNIVAL TODAY, SUPER TIRING BUT FUN MAN. Me and Yanyi same group to help out as Sec 3 peer leaders, and I thought we both helped quite a lot even though all we were supposed to do was to help them collect coupons! We helped them pick the balls up, attract customers, walk around advertising, help them count and etc etc. And guess what, our group won most popular game stall with a total (whooping!!) number of $94!! 

Doesn't sound that much to you but with that amount it meant that we collected like 188 coupons and that is crazy a lot lorh like please. 50 cents each coupons lehh! AHAHAHAHAA but me and Yanyi didn't get part of the prize from the huge package that they got :'(. 

And at first me and Yan Yi counted like $93.50 and were disheartened when we heard $94 LOLOLOL like ZOMG YANYI WE LOST BY 50 CENTS ONLY!!! But then we heard 2E1 Group 1 LOL so we were like AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. But saddened we didn't get anything :(! But hey, it was fun :). And special shout out to Jianhui who gave us like 16 coupons and played like 160 tries! We were like super surprised sia, and we got a lot of friends who came to support us <3. 

And maybe we won cause it rained and the most fun games which were the water ones got rained out so AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. 

And then lucky draw!! I had like 8 coupons cause Kai Lun and gang gave me some and I had like 2 and one of my group members found this set of coupons on the floor and I just took the lucky draw coupon AHAHAHA (this one wasn't the winning ticket anyway) LOL. But I gave one to Isa and I was beginning to regret it cause he was like THIS WILL BE THE WINNING TICKET AND I WAS LIKE :(. 

But anyway. 

Posting up a screen shot cause I wanted to show the likes ;). Ooh and someone just liked it again TEEHEE. 

Mr Yang was trying to make it all suspense and all and exciting so he like said all the numbers in random order and he read out the first number which was zero, and I like took out the Coupon 1116, and looked at the 6 that I had LOL (and Isa's coupon that I gave him was 1056! AHAHAHA), and then two zero's, so I took out three tickets to look at, and then one five and one four!! Wah super happy, cause I got one coupon is 0504! Mr Yang then said those who got these numbers stand up. So the whole hall only got like 5 or 4 who stood up including me and at this point my leg was like jelly LOLOLOL. And I was laughing throughout. 

And then he was like, 0.. 5... 0... and the rest sat down sia!! And I saw a lot of people looking at me so I was like what what what and Mr Yang read out 0504 and I went on stage to get my prize ehehehehe. 

Okay long post and the winning coupon could even be the one of the ones Kai Lun gave me LOLOLOLOL. 

Okay a lot of things to do today leaving for Australia tomorrow! 

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