Friday, February 25, 2011

Pretty pretty please.

Eventful, hectic week. No breaks given.  

A total of seven tests and quizzes in a span of three days. Just did Chem and A Maths class and common tests today, relatively okay. MVP and top the class for SS. Band practices three days in a row. Went sick bay on Wednesday. Miss Sew was so nice to me. Study session with Ng and Tim and Jian Hong ♥. Learnt how to survive in a blizzard during English. And found out about, well, stuff. I guess I only enjoyed Lit and P.E. this week. 

Physics class test and A Maths on logs next week. Don't understand a thing. On the bright side, Friday is Sports day. Hope I get what I want. 

Planning to take up Tourism and Resort Management or something similar in Poly. Not going to choose JC anymore, can't take the stress. 

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