Sunday, February 27, 2011

Band exchanges and yellow capsicums :O.

Band exchange was okay, discovered McMuffin with garlic chili tastes good, observed all the different schools and played correctly for the secon time we played, happy ttm :). Physics and A MATHS test this week, not really looking forward to it :O. ARGHHHH STRESS MUCH. no time for my lovable self AHAHAHAHA kidding only lah.

To you.
It's been four months. He's not going to come back. Think of those who've been there for you since day one instead of living in the past, will you. If he wants to come back, he would have. But he hasn't. So stop expecting. Don't be stupid, don't waste your time please :/. If you keep hoping you'll only be disappointed. Stop waiting for him to SMS you. Please. Stop.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pretty pretty please.

Eventful, hectic week. No breaks given.  

A total of seven tests and quizzes in a span of three days. Just did Chem and A Maths class and common tests today, relatively okay. MVP and top the class for SS. Band practices three days in a row. Went sick bay on Wednesday. Miss Sew was so nice to me. Study session with Ng and Tim and Jian Hong ♥. Learnt how to survive in a blizzard during English. And found out about, well, stuff. I guess I only enjoyed Lit and P.E. this week. 

Physics class test and A Maths on logs next week. Don't understand a thing. On the bright side, Friday is Sports day. Hope I get what I want. 

Planning to take up Tourism and Resort Management or something similar in Poly. Not going to choose JC anymore, can't take the stress. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jerlyn is a happy girl.

Booyeah, guess who got the highest and topped the class for SS essay test? Oh yeah, the only one who got L5 :O. MEEE. showed off a lot today, but EH. first time top class of course happy lah. Well besides topping in Art. But that's relatively easier!! Shock of my life, lemme tell you.

And got MVP AHAHAHA by Miss Sheryl Seow. Oh yes. GOALIE WAS SO FUN THO. and Miss Seow said before announcing MVP, said, this girl uh, volunteered to be goal keeper. Disfigured in the face so many times. (When she said this I was like oh not me when ng and KL said confirm me, cause I didn't get hit in the face LOL), and after get hit by ball, *does two thumbs up and smiles really widely and nod*, hit another time, *does action again*. Get hit another time, *cover face*, I see also feel sad for her LOL.

Okay it's not often that I get to boast so, bear with me lah.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

I need to go shoppingzxc nao.

Well not need. I want.

Oh and I want to buy a sketch book. From Artbox. You know, those thick thick ones. With blank pages and no lines. Yessss. Those :(. I need to satisfy my art craving things and doing the notice board doesn't help much. Cause I got no freedom to do whatever I want :(. I. Need. A. Sketch. Book. Now. *nudge nudge*. 

I have to do E Maths, A Maths, English and Physics homework. Tho all except for A Maths (cause I stupid stupid never bring to Pam's house last night cause I didn't bother to -.-) half, or almost done. Well almost done sounds more, hardworking. And less stupid. And copy down Science notes! Cause I look at my old science book look until pekcek already, copy and paste paste the notes paste until like shytzxc like that.

And I really need to start revising for A Maths cause I don't understand a single damn thing :(.

Oxfords are pretty. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rants about pictures and clothes and CNY and chocolates.

I HAVE TAKEN LIKE OVER 800 PLUS PICTURES IN MY IPOD OH MY GOSH. And I'm rarely using my Aino's camera now AHAHAHA.

And I tucked in my shirt, not to act cool, but to hide a stain I got from eating Mee Siam. ARRRHHHHHH.
And I love my shorts AHAHAHAHA I finally got one from Cotton On that fit and didn't need a belt cause my other four (yes, four) were too big and would fall off like LITERALLY DROP OFF MY WAIST if I wore them and walked in them without a belt. And something like that yeah AHAHAHAHA. AND YES THAT IS MY AWESOME FIVE TEE AHAHAHAHAHAA.

Yes I like Cotton On's shorts and I have five of them in different colours AHAHAHA, some purple-ish colour one, black, white, dark blue and this denim looking one.

And feeling very inferior because people are using high quality cameras and here I am using my lousy and shitty quality iPod. Well not shitty lah, just no flash and no HDR quality pictures :(. But got second function cam to camwhore which pretty much explains the over excessive amount of pictures I have taken. Well not only I lah, others also AHAHAHAHA -nudge nudge nudge-.

Must stop using and bringing my iPod touch to school. But I need to listen to the music in the morning!!!!!
So oh well.

And yesterday (well technically the day before yesterday as it is already 2.45 am in the morning now as I'm blogging this AHAHAHAHA) me and Jingwen were playing with our uncle's DSLR (Sony!!) with huge lens and everything it's so bloody cool and I'm waiting for Jingwen to upload the pictures of us using it AHAHAHAHAHA cause we literally just went berserk and crazy and stuff over the DSLR. Looking oh so pro. But it's not ours :((. Sadly AHAHAHAHA.

Uploaded pictures of CNY on Facebook already teeheehee.
And I really got nothing to blog about laaa. CNY only got these few things, get hongbao's, see people, go bai nian, play black jack, win some money, and then lose some money again, eat CNY snacks, and etc etc.

And I just recently found out chocolate is kinda nice actually! Well ONLY CERTAIN CHOCOLATES LAAAAH AHAHAHAHHA. And Mr Teo gave class commitee members an extra Ferrero Rocher so we had two AHAHAHA even though I think I gave one of mine to Mingmin or Kimberly because I didn't quite like it and should better give it to someone who appreciates it more than me cause I'm just nice like that AHAHAHAHAHAA.

And me and Shaynnie and Lynn ate Cadbury Chocolates and I ate the strawberry ones and the caramel ones and I expecially love the caramel ones. And I just read somewhere that chocolates don't make you go fat! Or something so AHAHAHAHA I ATE CHOCOLATE AND ITS NOT UNHEALTHY AHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Argh. Homework and tests next week again :((. Nothing close to look forward to already lerh :(. And I lost my Chemistry Common test how to explain to teacher sia D:. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year AHAHAHAA.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lazylazylazy. Oh so lazy.

I should probably start on doing the links for my blog. Soon. 
Eventually. Later. Or just maybe, not. 

Cause I'm just that lazy. 

The state of being pleasantly lost in one's dreams.